My sister and her husband live in Watkinsville, GA (just outside Athens). My mother is staying with her while we travel. My sister and her husband left the country for a week so my brother is staying at my sister's house with my mother. Need a scorecard so far? I DO! LOL
Stephanie and the boys picked us up at the campground for the hour or so ride to my sister's house. Chrissy went with us. She normally naps while we ride, but not today! There were little boys to play with in the van and daddy was holding me back! She didn't take a nap - neither did Patrick or Trey!
We got to my sister's house and greeted the family. Mama looked great and Jeff was busy painting downstairs. We brought out laundry with us, so I started doing laundry. Mama had lunch almost ready and it was great when we finally ate lunch.
The sprinklers came on (watered from the lake out back). The first set water everything near the porch. Chrissy was off her leash and having the time of her life running back and forth in the sprinklers! Wish I'd brought my camera! They boys played in the second set of sprinklers out in the yard. Didn't bring extra clothes, but it's hot and they'll dry soon. Still no naps for anyone!
Spent the afternoon doing laundry and nothing! LOL Soon it was time to head back. Surely someone will take a nap now - NO WAY!
Chrissy was still excited! Patrick and Trey were wound up, too! NO NAPS! Back to the campground we go and the boys want to explore! We went exploring around the campground and found big rocks and sand to play in. I don't know which of the 3 had more fun!
Still no naps......
Steph and the boys decide to head home for dinner and we went in. I put Chrissy on the couch next to me and she promptly went to sleep! Didn't move all evening. Didn't eat either! I got ready for bed and picked her up to take her to bed. She was absolutely limp and never moved. Looked closely to see if she was still breathing! She didn't move all night! Poor baby was tired! LOL
Tomorrow David's sister is coming up from Gray, GA to spend the day with us. We're looking forward to seeing her and the park!
See ya down the road!
Jenny :)
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