Quite a morning getting here! For some STRANGE reason, Mapquest routed us through the mountains on curvy, ONE LANE (sometimes!) roads. We actually went through a one lane tunnel that required you to blow your horn! SCARED ME! David wasn't happy with my screaming. I learned to stuff a fist in my mouth instead of screaming! LOL
We eventually got to the campground in the big city of Spout Spring, VA. We met a nice couple, Carl and Mary Jane from Oklahoma and spent part of the evening talking with them. They're headed out tomorrow, also.
We drove over to Appomattox to the Courthouse. It's now a National Park. Had a DUH! moment in the visitor's center. Just as they had at Gettysburg, there are lots of photos of Civil War soldiers and their stories. I got to noticing that one was gray, one was blue, one was gray, one was blue....etc. Finally reached my brain that the gray ones were from the South and the blue ones were from the North! DUH! I think I had too much blonde added to my hair last time!
We were told by the ranger that at 3:20 p.m. a living history tour would take place at the residence behind the visitor's center. Private Frakes from Pennsylvania who was now the provost would talk with us about the end of the war. We were reminded that he would not know about anything in the present so don't ask him about restaurants, places to see, etc. Also, we could not ask to take his picture as he would think we meant to "lift" his picture from the wall and take it.
At 3:20 p.m., the ranger led us to the sty separating the two houses. She asked permission of a young man if we could cross over and speak with him. He was very cordial and asked us over. After introductions about where we were from, he asked if anyone had news of Richmond. He knew the people were starving and wanted to know if they had received help yet. We had to tell him we had no word either.
He and Miss Hicks were well prepared for their presentations. They made you believe they really existed during the War and were present for the surrender. Pvt. Frakes has been appointed sheriff, but wants to go home to marry his girl in Pennsylvania. He told us how the war ended "officially" at Appomattox, but many more died until word reached the rest of the country.
At the end of his presentation he asked for questions. People who had joined us who didn't know to keep in character didn't quite get answers they were looking for. Most of the people had wandered off when I decided to "play along." I told Pvt. Frakes that I had a new invention of Mr. Matthew Brady and could I take his likeness with it and that of Miss Hicks. Both were agreeable and I got the shot above of the two of them.
We stopped in the bookstore to find a new book to read. I picked up a bio on Gen. Lee - "Gray Fox." I paid for it and postcards (yes, I've finally mailed 30+ postcards!). David was standing in line with the exact same book. I should have told him to get one on Grant and we could have read both sides of the story.
Back to the campground and dinner. Not to exciting here. No Internet, no cable, few TV stations. Books to read, though!
We said goodbye to Carl and Mary Jane. Carl told us he'd see us down the road!
See ya down the road!
Jenny :)
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