Monday, June 4, 2007

6/2 - On to Gettysburg or the REALLY long day!

Before I forget:

We saw the last of the Great Lakes - Erie!

I've learned you CANNOT do a drive around the lakes. There is mostly no road along the lakes! Some of the lakes have mountains that go right down into the water! What we did see was beautiful.

We didn't take an official tour of Niagara Falls - it was $170 plus tax in Canadian dollars for a couple! I can create my own tour a lot cheaper (and did!).

We pulled out at 8:07 a.m. from Niagara Falls, NY driving to Gettysburg, PA, about 375 miles. It was sunny and warm (that's a switch!).

We finally got onto the NY State Throughway (toll road). It was only $4.15! Shocker!

We reached Pennsylvania at 11:57 a.m. Just in time for lunch! The welcome center at Tioga, PA is absolutely beautiful with a view that was tremendous. Where was my camera!

Stopped for gas in Pennsylvania - $2.959 and 27.092 gallons.

Late in the afternoon it began to warm up. We saw one sign that said it was 94 degrees. We turned on the AC in the truck because Chrissy was getting warm. It caused the transmission to act up more and pulling through the mountains got harder. We got into Gettysburg, but got stopped at every red light in town. Finally got to the campground around 5 p.m. or so and started to our spot.

A guy walking across the campground stopped us and asked us what spot we were in. David told and he asked us how did they tell us to get there. David showed him what the girl in the office had given him. We thought the guy was just a "helpful" camper. Turned out he owned the place. He told us a different way to get to our spot. Good thing as there was a major tree blocking the way we would have gone!

Turned in early as we're a bit tired! Off to the battlefield in the morning!

See ya down the road!

Jenny :)

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