It's in the 40's, but the wind chill is down in the 30's. At least the sun is out. We don't know for sure if Minnesota's state flower is the dandelion, but they are everywhere! LOL Brilliant yellow against new green grass. It's early spring here as they trees are just beginning to bloom and some to bud out. Allergies!
Stopped for gas just before the border - $3.299 per gallon and 13.469 gallons. Litre price was $.979. Sounds good until you remember there are 3.8 litres to a gallon!
Crossed into Canada at 12:25 a.m. (Eastern time). Handed over our passports (including Chrissy's paperwork) and then the questions. No problem with any of them - except one. "Do you have any potatoes?" We said yes and the border patrolman asked us to drop them in the dumpster on our way into Canada. Seems you can't take them in! David looked into the dumpster and noted there were a lot more potatoes there!
I'd made a mistake in our routing and forgot to include an extra night going along Lake Superior. Since we couldn't go to Isle Royale, this worked out in finding a place to stay halfway between where we started at Grand Portage and Wawa, Ontario. We found a campground at Terrace Bay, ON. There's another Airstream below us, so David's checking it out. Nancy and Arlyn Bjorgum from Minnesota are one the road in an Airstream very much like ours.
During the trip to the campground, we were (and still are) on Highway 17 following Lake Superior. Part of the route is also called the Terry Fox Courage Highway. Terry was a young man who lost his leg to cancer and decided to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. During the run, his cancer returned and he was forced to stop the run neaby to the place this memorial is located. For more on Terry's story, go to http://www.terryfoxrun.org/english/home/default.asp?s=1.
There is a train track located near the campground. Heard the train go back when we were setting up, but didn't hear it after that! I was tired and slept well. Sill cold! Wearing my coat most of the time. Quick dinner, TV on 2 channels, and off to bed!
See ya down the road!
Jenny :)
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