Off to Wawa, Ontario. Cool, wet, windy -- the weather continues!
We don't have far to drive today, so we left a little later than usual. Stopped for gas outside Wawa - $110.04! Canadian dollars, but it was $1.19 a litre and we bought 91.75 litres.
We learned before we left Terrace Bay that the Bjorgum's were staying in the same campground tonight as we are. They pulled in a couple of hours after we arrived here.
David and I decided to head out to town to find the 3 geese. It seems that Wawa means "wild geese" in a native tongue. The townspeople have built three LARGE geese and placed them around town. The picture you see is the main one overlooking the lake/river/highway area. One was at a general store and another at a local motel.
We stopped at the general store and discovered what the rock man was. All along the lake are huge rock outcroppings. On top of these rocks are more rocks piled up - some with arches and some just stacked. Inside the general store, they had small versions for sale and had the explanation of what we'd been seeing. They had a larger one built outside the store. Thanks, Bill, for telling us to be on the lookout for them.
Off to the grocery store. I have on my coat because I'm cold. Everyone in the store is wearing shorts and crocs/sandals. I look out of place, but I'm warm! LOL It's always fun to look at the groceries in stores outside our home area, but some of these were in French. We wanted a gallon on milk, but they don't sell gallons! We settled for a 2 litre carton of milk. We did find fresh corn and bought Canadian potatoes.
Back to the campground and we arranged to have dinner with our new camping friends. I fixed fried corn and David grilled pork chops. Nancy provided something to drink, 3 bean salad, melon, and dessert. It was great eating outside - til the bugs arrived. We gave it up after awhile. Thanks Nancy and Arlyn for a great evening. Hope to see you down the road!
Late evening and off to bed!
See ya down the road!
Jenny :)
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