Friday, May 18, 2007

5/18 - The LONG and LONGER Road! Off to Detroit!

40 degrees when we got up! COLD! It was sunny, though! We pulled out about 10:00 a.m. The directions the young man gave us were perfect.

Just before we got on the Interstate, we stopped for a red light. A red Jeep with the top down was on our left. A blonde young man was driving. He had a spiky kind of hair cut. Sitting next to him was a golden retreiver leaning against him. The dog's fur was spiked the same way! In the back was a black and white dog just hanging out in the back seat. I wish I'd had the camera out.

We finally reached the campground about 5:00 p.m. We're close to downtown Detroit and parked along a beautiful lake. It was worth the drive.

We stopped several time and I KNOW that everytime we stopped, someone kept adding miles to the trip. I didn't think we'd ever get here. We intended to to into Detroit to see one of the Great Lakes and the Henry Ford Museum. Now we've decided to leave for Holland, Michigan in the morning to see the floors. It should be a 3-4 hour drive. Should!

We did stop for fuel - $3.349 per gallon and 23.095 gallons.

First time we've had internet capability since we left, so spending some time catching up on email and family!

See ya down the road!

Jenny :)

1 comment:

Southern Cheesehead said...

so glad you guys finally got things taken care of and on the road. I hope you're enjoying the new Air Stream!