OK, if you're as old as me, you'll realize that the title is a reference to a Three Stooges routine. It's stuck in my head (like the Gordon Lightfoot song!) and I can't think of the rest of it!
We pulled out at 9:00 a.m. and it's sunny and cool and we didn't see/hear the bear! So far we've traveled 3,094.7 miles. We're on km here so I'm not sure how many km's that is!
We now know what the bug suits are for....mosquitoes! They are everywhere! Open the door and they fly right in! Guess they were looking for a meal.
We stopped in Parry Sound to buy fuel. Most of the stations here are full service. We bought 62 litres at $1.069 per litre. A nice young lady pumped the gas and had been to Alabama and the south. She understood why we were cold and everyone else was running around in shorts and sandals.
David picked up a little trinket at Parry Sound. See the picture above.
Found out our deer whistles work! They're mounted on the front of the truck and only the deer can hear them. If the truck is moving at least 30 mph, it whistles and is supposed to keep the deer from running into the road. We saw two large deer on the side of the road and one stopped and looked. The other was running toward us, stopped and put up her nose then turned and ran back into the woods. The only other animal we saw was a turtle!
We're having trouble with the transmission and it's getting worse. It's shifting funny in 3rd and won't go into overdrive. We've checked with our mechanic at home and he recommended we find someone in Buffalo on Thursday (back in the States). It's possible it's an electrical problem with the transmission.
Thanks Anita for helping us make our calls! Much appreciated!
We cooked out and enjoyed dinner on the picnic table. Grilled chicken soaked in Moore's Marinade! YUM!
Watched the season finale of HOUSE and headed to bed! Off to the falls tomorrow and dinner at the Skylon Restaurant. Thanks for telling us about it, Paul!
One more lake to visit - Erie!
See ya down the road!
Jenny :)
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